Pineapple and Pork Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Bread- preferably a bread that has a touch of sweetness to it such as my sandwich bread (recipe on my website) or Kings Hawaiian bread.
Muenster cheese slices
Pineapple chunks in heavy syrup (Do not use the pineapple in it’s own juice or fresh pineapple), each chunk cut in half , then cut into thirds (Perfect size)
Trader Joes Korean Inspired Pork Shoulder (heated according to the package), shredded
Unsalted butter

Heat up your pan or preferably Panini maker. Butter one side of each slice of bread. On the unbuttered side of each slice, place a slice of muenster cheese. Top one of them with some shredded pork shoulder, then a layer of pineapple. Put the two slices together (the pineapple and pork should be sandwiched in between two slices of cheese). Place in the Panini maker and close the lid. If using a pan, place the sandwich in the pan over medium low heat. Flip once one side is toasted and golden. Toast the other side until the cheese melts. Cut in half, plate and eat while warm and melty!
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